Property owners have filed a petition with the Superior Court requesting their property not be used as an access easement to the beach behind their property.  They claim their privacy is being invaded and their property is being abused by the public.

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Lawmakers are trying to establish guidelines for hired managers of homeowner associations when dealing with paperwork and actions that should be performed by an attorney.

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Residents are concerned with a proposed retail center anchored by Whole Foods that is being considered in their community.  They are concerned with traffic, landscaping and conformity to the city's historic architectural style.

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The Condominium Act in D.C. was amended recently giving boards more power to require owners to pay a portion of the cost to fix damage to a building from problems that start in their units.

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Lawmakers are wanting to give association members the right to plant drought-resistant landscaping without being fined.  Many associations require lawns to be green, and landscaping to be healthy using much water to do so.

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A judge found that a homeowners association that is involved in an expensive suit over wheelchair access at its association meetings, cannot assess homeowners for the mounting legal bills.

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Due to a power struggle between two different association boards, the electric bill at a condominium is not being paid, risking the power being turned off.

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Older condominium associations don't have accommodations for bicycles in their buildings or written in their bylaws.  It has become a problem for those using bikes as their primary source of transportation in the city.

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A neighborhood that was planned in 2006 has not been completed, and a new developer wants to take over the undeveloped lots and create a new neighborhood, and homeowners association.

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Chicago has established an ordinance to determine the proper handling of bed bugs in the city.  Chicago is number one in the country for bed bugs.

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