HOA Pulse Bookstore

HOA Pulse is THE place to go for HOA industry information. HOA Pulse is developing a complete Board Series and Maintenance Series to help guide board members on the most importance aspects of their positions; governance and maintenance of the common areas.


Reserve Studies - The Complete Guide

2016 PDF Downolad $14.95


Free Stuff

Operating Cost Manual – FREE– 46 pages

This Manual (2007 version) is published by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) as a guide for California homeowners associations on budgeting and reserves. It effectively establishes the minimum budgeting and reserve requirements for developers to gain approval from DRE to sell their projects.

FTB HOA Guidelines – FREE– 10 pages

This Manual is published by the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) as a guide for California homeowners associations on various California state tax issues.

IRS Audit Techniques Guide– FREE– 118 pages

1999 version. Guide used by IRS Agents on how to conduct a tax audit of a homeowners association.