Condominium owners are expressing their concerns over the same taxation on their condos as those with a single family home. They would like their taxes to be lower.
A doctor who lives in a homeowners association has been ordered to remove 60 chickens, ducks and geese from his property. A $100 per day fined has been approved and legal action is in the works.
A heavy rain in May caused damage to the roof of a couple living in an HOA. They selected white shingles that were energy efficient, lasting longer and saving on their energy bill. The association board sent them a cease and desist letter because the white shingles are not allowed without the approval of the architectural committee.
A family installed a playstructure in their yard two years ago. She recently painted it purple and the association now wants them to remove it. The family said the rules don't say anything about color.
Residents are worried that the materials used to repair their asphalt, are toxic and may present a health risk to their children. The fumes are making people sick and the residents wonder why the board did not look into the health risks.
Condominium owners in a 108 unit complex face losing their water unless a $62,000 water bill is paid. Owners wonder where their fees have gone as they face a failing infastructure.
Local HOA's are tired of crumbling curbs that they feel are destroying the beauty of their neighborhood and bringing down property values. The HOA's believe the county is responsible for repairing the curbs and they are frustrated that they are ignoring the problem.
A homeowners association is keeping owners from removing trees that they feel are damaging their property. The developer has not turned the association over to the owners and management of the association is difficult.
Advice is offered on the benefit to changing your bylaws to say how many can serve on the board of directors and how to handle a vote that ends in a tie if there is an even number of board members.
Community directories are discussed in this article. Protecting the rights of owners and what can legally be shared is important. Also, getting consent from the homeowners is imperative.
Tenants who lease in communities are found to have the same use rights in the association and common elements as the unit owners. The Florida Condominium Act explains the rights between renters and owners in a condominium community.
A couple is asked to remove their gay pride flag, which hangs off their outside balcony, because it violates the amendments. They were warned that neglecting to remove it would be a $150 fine.
A woman and her son, who raise chickens and have a large garden in their yard, are the center of a lawsuit by a neighbor, who does not like the view of the property.
It is likely that a homeowners association liability insurance will cover the recreational use of a drone, but it depends on the verbage used in the policy. With the increased usage of drones, associations need to look at the liability of property damage or personal injury.