The Colorado Senate on Monday is scheduled to take up a new law aimed at making homeowner associations more transparent.
The Colorado Senate on Monday is scheduled to take up a new law aimed at making homeowner associations more transparent.
As a prospective homebuyer meeting with a lender, don’t be surprised if the lender asks whether you are considering buying a condominium. While condo financing is not always necessarily more difficult to obtain than a mortgage for a town home or a single-family home, there are some differences.
The legal battle over what is left of the company that once ran a courthouse restaurant can't escape the shadow of the far-reaching federal investigation into corruption at homeowners associations.
Democracy rules at the Ruby Ranch subdivision outside Buda. Homeowners have successfully petitioned for homeowner association covenant changes that will now prohibit the trapping of non-native exotic deer such as the spiral-horned blackbuck antelope.
A Spring-area homeowners' association is suing after, it says, a resident refused to repair the outside of his residence.